Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Look who's coming to dinner!

So over the last few weeks I have not been very good at blogging, mainly I blame the company! :) We have been busy entertaining. Jeremy's sister Melissa came to visit for a week with her husband Brad. It was a very fun visit that went by rather quickly.

They arrived just as Jeremy was heading out the door to a chemo appointment so Melissa joined him as his plus one. They got to visit one on one before Jeremy went into hibernation. After every Chemo appointment he sleeps for about 3 days, not naps, he sleeps through about 3 days. Anyhow since Melissa and Brad were here it was easy to keep the boys busy, we went to the zoo, we went to Art Beast (a local art studio for kids), we played at the park, let's just say we were out for a lot of the week. The kids loved it! Have to admit I kinda loved it too! It's nice to change the scenery up every now and again, and having company definitely changes the dynamic.

See things like this endless spinning game that Uncle Brad plays, don't happen with mom. :)

After Melissa and Brad had returned home the following weekend I surprised Jeremy with a visit from some of his oldest friends. We celebrated Jeremy's birthday with a night out sans kids!

We went to our favorite dive bar and enjoyed a great night out! The next day when the kids returned home and found some new people to torment again they were endlessly amused playing things like mummy with Uncle Robbie!

To wrap up here are a few pics of my favorite part of having company....


  1. Men are SO much more fun that mamas!! I would have never thought of playing mummy.... ;-)

  2. I am with Kim, I love the mummy but would have never thought of it.
