Monday, September 17, 2012

Procrastination Station

Sometimes my house feels like a train station, if it were it'd be called Procrastination Station! I know Christmas isn't exactly right around the corner but I know at any moment my life could get a little, ok a lot, hectic. So with that in mind, I've been trying to work on Christmas gifts. Only problem is usually that means sitting around pinning awesome ideas of things I would love to make some day, instead of working on the gifts I already have planned.  So in an effort to keep myself accountable I'm putting it out there: I need to start crafting already!!! This pile is currently staring at me, taunting me, scaring the S#!% out of me!

Sorry I won't be able to reveal what this pile turns into until Christmas, but I do hope that I am able to finish, and deliver them to some happy little peeps before then. Wish me luck!

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