I can't believe it's been months since I've written! Wow, well I'm happy to report all is well at Kasa Kennish! So much has changed and happened and I wish I could write for 3 days and tell you all of it, but I'm gonna give you the quick version: We sold our house and moved back into Sacramento. Jeremy, is working and loving his new job. All of his recent scans have come back clear and he is tapering off his immunosuppresion drugs, all good things! Sawyer and Oliver are back in school, full days to be clear (insert happy mama dance here) at a dual immersion school. They are being taught 90% and 80% in Spanish. It's been an adjustment for sure but every day they are understanding and speaking more and more, I am so proud of the courage it is taking them, and I am so happy to be able to give them this gift. Someday I hope they understand and appreciate it also. On to me, I am working at a local chiropractors office giving massage! Big changes all around!!
Ok, here's the deal, I started blogging to just vent about the day to day goings on in my life but the last two years those goings on have been rather depressing, and I'm happy to have shared them with all who would read them. I know that time was made easier by all the love and happiness we received but I'm tired of being in that place. So I'm taking by blog back over and we are moving on to the boring day to day stuff! Today that boring stuff has taken me on a long overdue morning walk, then pedicures and breakfast with girlfriends, and now there is a pile of laundry waiting to be put away and groceries to be bought and I couldn't be happier with all the "boring, usual stuff" happening in my life right now!
Soon I will do a photo update with all the fun things that happened this summer! Till then enjoy my view

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