Saturday, May 4, 2019

Strength in numbers

One thing Jeremy and I have always agreed on is that we would not wish cancer on our worst enemy, so the pain of a friend calling to say, I have cancer, is beyond heartbreaking. That's the call we got early this morning. "I have cancer, how do I tell my kids?" Well Fuck!! I wanted to reach through the phone and hug and cry and hold them all. In the moment as my head is spinning for them and I'm trying to think of the most important things all I can really think is this can't be happening to them too.

Cancer is a jealous lover though. Nothing is good enough, no life is safe, mothers, fathers, children, young adults, elderly we are all at risk. So what what would I say to any of them? You are your best advocate! You know if your body feels not right, so go find out why and don't take it's nothing as an answer if you know it's something. You know your limitations, don't push yourself until you are broken before asking for help! You will need the help so ask for it in the areas you are comfortable receiving it. Prepare for the worst and know it could be better...or even harder then you imagined. The hard days will make the good ones sweeter. You will lose people you thought were friends, you will also  find friends where you least expect it. People will grieve you in their own way, even as you live. You can't control most things, but you also have the most control. You don't have to tell everyone, it's your secret, keep it if you want, but know that the universe will give you strength when you are ready to share it. Advocate for yourself in all walks of life! You get to be a little more careless with your crazy right now because everyone will blame it on the cancer anyway so use your "C" card for good. Love harder, forgive more, speak truths, cherish everything but also know there will be MANY days when you cry and just say why me!

I have a heart that is breaking today. I have no words of solace to give. I do have a heart full of love that is traveling many miles to give air hugs to a family who is facing my worst fears. I do have hours of listening ears available for questions that are unthinkable to most. Today I also say welcome to worst club you could ever be apart of, but where you will find the most love you've probably ever felt.

All my love today and always,

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