Monday, April 11, 2011


So today Jeremy and I met with his oncologist (cancer Dr.) whom we love! She is friendly, genuine, a mom, and most importantly sarcastic...Oh yeah she's a good Dr too! I felt like this visit we really got a better idea of what our future holds. We've always known he has to have 12 chemotherapy appointments and that eventually he would have radiation on the mass in his chest but beyond that we weren't exactly sure what life post chemo would look like. As the good Dr put it, our goal after this treatment plan is cure. So best case scenario, which Jeremy and I both believe is what we are, after chemotherapy and radiation he starts post treatment appointments. These post treatment appointments are to make sure that the cancer doesn't come back, or if it does to treat it as soon as possible. OK people this is where it got real! Jeremy will be returning to the oncologist every 3 months for the next 2 years with a full body scan every 6 months. Then his appointments will be yearly until he is 5 years post cure and will be considered cancer free!!! So as my friend Kim says I'll use any excuse to throw a party and you all better believe Summer 2016 we are having a party!!!

OK one other VERY eye opening part of today's visit... we've always know Jeremy had a mass in his chest, nothing new but he recently had a CT scan that was not part of his normal treatment plan so we got a sneak peak as to how his body is responding to the chemotherapy. When he was diagnosed (we found out today) his mass was 14 centimeters by 5 centimeters. For those of you not from the UK that converts to 14 centimeters is 5.51 inches!!!!! OMG!!! That is humongous! Anyhow the good news is that after only 3 chemo appointments the mass had already shrunk to a size of 10cm by 2.8cm!!

Yay for progress!!

The face of this playdough is 14cm by 5cm!!


  1. GREAT news.

    AND, you can have a party after every one of those scans, dammit! We're not waiting until 2016 to celebrate!

  2. I agree this is great news and definitely a reason to celebrate!

  3. That is fantastic news! And I agree, we cannot wait until 2016 for a party! Christina :)

  4. I cannot believe that he had a mass that large in his chest.

    Soon you will look back at the time in your life and remember that it was hard but that you are stronger because of it.


  5. NOW make a playdoug mass that is 2.8! side by side....I want to see the healing in progress! i am ready to party TODAY!!

  6. Great news guys! Thank you for the update...we love you guys! Hugs and kisses to all....Claudia

  7. Awesome news!!!! PARTY on...every step of the way!
